detail file

英 [ˈdiːteɪl faɪl] 美 [ˈdiːteɪl faɪl]




  1. For the first example, let's consider a security configuration file to detail different security domains within a configuration file.
  2. As you can see from this output, a huge amount of useful detail resides in the simple a.out Hello World file& version information, histograms, multiple tables of various symbol types, and so on.
  3. "Part IV" is definitely more technical, going into great detail about UNIX file editing.
  4. Usage of each function is described in detail in the header file comments.
  5. Does the detail drawing and common file fit each system arrangement ( light support, wet pan and so on)?
  6. Does applicant has detail computerized customer file?
  7. The paper has discussed and analyzed in detail the programming methods to DXF file format in the2nd development.
  8. This paper discusses the two key technologies in detail: the file system and communication between two computers. Then, it shows the design scheme.
  9. This paper outlines the X Server architecture, presents in detail the implementation algorithm of Chinese font file renderer.
  10. The component developed by this project, by use of directly analyzing the inside data structure and storage mechanism, can get the inside detail of Excel file, also can expediently process the Excel file content.
  11. The main components in the template are discussed in detail, and they include system configuration file, initialization process, synchronization menu, definition system, customization system, priority management and security management.
  12. Based on discussing in detail IGES file structure and data record form, and referring to the corresponding literatures published in the domestic and international journals, IGES interface program is presented.
  13. This paper introduces the principle of this technique, and describes in detail the key implementation of a file system integrity checker developed by us.
  14. This paper unifies the informatization of education management demand, discusses the application of smart card in informatization of education management in detail from two aspects: the file structures and the safety mechanism.
  15. One small CAD system was surveyed, and data file was analyzed to derive the detail structure of data file. Meanwhile, according to the structure of data file, one sample program for data decryption was written to give a reference.
  16. The article introduces the method of status bar programming in detail with the establishment of the resource file and the explanation of the function Shell_NotifyIcon of Windows API.
  17. This paper introduces the new developing tools of PRO/ ENGINEER briefly. Take Pro/ TOOLKIT for example, two methods are introduced in detail, that is, user-defining MAKEFILE file and developing by utilizing VC++.
  18. After analyzing structure and format of the DXF file in detail, the thesis uses the DXF file to input the data for system;
  19. Through studying the memory mechanism and the internal data structure of the Microsoft Excel file, and obtained the internal detail of Excel file, and obtained the internal detail of Excel file, this text has researched develop the package interviewing Excel file on this basis.
  20. Furthermore the thesis made a detail analysis of two resolution models of XML file-DOM and SAX, and designed the resolution arithmetic using SAX model based on the operation logic of e-filing system.
  21. The detail expositive file is offered to the customer for examine and analysis.
  22. Chapter One to Three studies on the local criminal procedure on the basis of laws and documents of Qing Dynasty, introduces local criminal cases in detail including putting on file, investigation, trial, verdict, review and enforcement.
  23. The detail technology includes: creating area file of converging water basin;
  24. This paper provides the feature of smart card and the criterions for its application to PKI. A design project and its implementation example of CSP development based on smart card is presented in detail, which is consist of its file structure, access arrangement and key management.
  25. To resolve the problem of exporting the DXF format's rectangular parts blank layout, this paper has introduced the structure of the DXF file format in brief and has discussed and analyzed in detail the expressing methods to DXF file format in the rectangular parts blank layout graphics.
  26. Telecom history communication detail record query plan with file system
  27. It describes in detail the structures of three file bases in database dictionary.
  28. After depicting the design and accomplishment of file management and debugger in detail, the conceptions of the File Control Table ( FCT) and the Source File Library ( SFL) are proposed.
  29. Description freedom model is proposed to enhance local and global three-dimensional models in detail. This paper analyzes the file format that graphics program can easily read.
  30. To analysis in detail the MP3 file format and decoding principle and design the MP3 decoding module of system according to the requirements of users; 4.



  1. (computer science) a computer file containing relatively transient data about a particular data processing task

      Synonym:    transaction file